Saturday 21 February 2015

മനുഷ്യബന്ധങ്ങള്‍ .

ശാന്തിവിചാരം വാനയക്കാര്ക്ക് ഒരു മെലഡി സമര്പ്പിക്കുന്നു.

യഥേഷ്ടം വേര്‍ടുത്താവുന്നതും പിന്നെയും സ്ഥാപിക്കാവുന്നതുമായ ഒരു സ്വതന്ത്രമായ ബന്ധമാണ് സൌഹൃദം അഥവാ സുഹൃദ് ബന്ധം.

2) ഒരിക്കലും വേര്പെടുത്താനാവാത്ത ബന്ധമാണ് പിതൃപുത്രബന്ധം. സന്ന്യാസ മാര്‍ പിതൃകടം വീട്ടിയശേഷമാണ് ബന്ധങ്ങള്‍ വേര്‍പെടുത്തി സന്ന്യസിക്കുന്നത്. (അല്ലാതെ ഉള്ള പരിവ്രാജകസന്ന്യാസിമാരും  ഇന്നു ധാരാളമായി ഉണ്ട് അതല്ല, ഇവിടുത്തെ വിഷയം ബന്ധം മാത്രം.)

3) ഭാര്യഭര്‍ത്തൃബന്ധം ഉറപ്പുള്ളതായിരിക്കണം എന്ന നിര്‍ബന്ധം മുമ്പ് ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു. ഇന്ന് അതില്ല.

4) ഇനി ഗുരുശിഷ്യബന്ധത്തിന്റെ കാര്യം എടുക്കാം. ഇന്ന് ഗുരുശിഷ്യബന്ധം സുഹൃദ്ബന്ധം ആയിമാറിയിരിക്കുന്നു. എല്ലാ ബന്ധവും അതുപോലെ സൌഹൃദം പോലെ ദുര്‍ബലപ്പെടുന്നു.

5) രഹസ്യബന്ധങ്ങള് ശക്തമാകുന്നുവോ ???  മാന്യത നേടുന്നുവോ ???  ഇന്നിറങ്ങുന്ന സകലകഥകളും  വഴിപിഴച്ച ബന്ധങ്ങളുടെ കഥകളാണ്.  മനുഷ്യന്റെ ജിജ്ഞാസ മറ്റുള്ളവരുടെ ദോഷങ്ങള് അറിയുന്നതിനായിട്ടാണ് വിനിയോഗിക്കപ്പെടുന്നത്.

ഭാഗവതത്തെക്കാള് ശക്തമായ, ഹൃദയസ്പര്ശിയായ കഥയാണ് രാമായണം. രാമന് ഏകപത്നീവ്രതക്കാരനായിരുന്നു. എന്നാല് ഭാഗവതത്തില് കൃഷ്ണന് ബഹുഭാര്യാത്വം  സ്വീകരിച്ചു.. കൃഷ്ണന്റെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ ആകര്ഷണം അതായിരുന്നില്ലേ.. ???


  1. 1. Friendship between Sri.Rama and Sugreeva
    Valmiki Ramayana - Kishkindha Kanda in Prose Sarga 5
    Hanuman fetches Rama and Lakshmana to Sugreeva, and advises him to befriend Rama. Accordingly Rama and Sugreeva take the oath of friendship before an altar of fire and Rama assures to eliminate Vaali the vice, from the face of earth.
    "A friend is the resultant factor of helpfulness... that I know... oh, great monkey I intend eliminate that Vaali, the abductor of your wife... unfailing are these arrows of mine, scorchers like sun, sharp ones tied with eagle feathers, similar to Indra's Thunderbolts, sharp are their point and straight is their egress, similar to enraged snakes, and these arrows of mine will be speeded up to fall on that vicious Vaali... Says Sri.Rama
    The friendship between Sri.Rama and Sugreeva is like the hands of a person whose garment has loosened automatically proceeds to tighten it up even before the person realizes it, a true friend is one who rushes to help his friend when needed even without being asked for.
    Sugreeva regarded Sri.Rama as such a true friend and sought his friendship with fire as witness saying” I am scared to death by Vaali. Please grant me protection”
    Vaalina: me Maha bhaaga! Bhagyarata abhayam kuru”
    Here we find Sahaya Bhakthi in Sugreeva
    2. Friendship between Sri.Rama and Hanuman
    Sri Rama exemplifies the highest virtue of friendship with Hanuman. His first meeting with Hanuman at the Rishyamuka Mountains was with profound respect and regard. Having discovered Rama after his life long search, Hanuman supplicated and bowed to Rama's feet seeking forgiveness for not recognizing the Lord, upon which Sri Rama embraced him. It was the birth of a most trusted friendship. It would be none other than Hanuman who would communicate between Rama and Sita bringing solace to both of them in their hour of separation.
    3. Friendship between Sri.Rama and Guha
    Guha was no ordinary mortal. He was the Chieftain of the tribe of the Nishadas. A man of great prestige and power. By no means an ordinary hunter. When Guha heard that Sri Rama was in his Kingdom, he leapt with joy and rushed towards Sri Rama to greet him. But when Sri Rama and Lakshmana rose to greet him, he became calm and peaceful and hesitated even to speak to his guests.

    Sri. Rama, perceiving Guha's hesitation, hugged him to his bosom and holding him at arms length introduced him to Lakshmana. “Do you remember him, Lakshmana? He is my dearest friend Guha, the King of Sarayu". Never did Sri.Rama mention that Guha was a hunter, much below their status, even to get acquainted.
    4 Friendships between Sri.Rama and Vibeeshana
    The Vasishta Ramayana relates that Sri Rama appeared to Sage Viswambara on the banks of as the Vaigai river. The sage was performing penance to get a vision of Sri Rama. In his vision, Rama and Lakshmana are seen with their bows and in a standing posture and talking to Sugriva, Angada and Hanuman. The vision depicts the act of Rama granting protection to Vibhishana, brother of Ravana. Rama tells his monkey-king friend Sugriva that he was granting protection to Vibishana as well as extending his friendship to the Lanka prince. In the vision, Sugriva is seen with folded hands praying to Rama to reconsider his decision, reminding that Vibishana was Rama was accepting "the deadly enemy's brother" as a friend. Hanuman is seen with his right hand covering his mouth, in a stance of paying respect to Sri Rama. The monkey-prince Angada is seen pointing his finger towards the southern sky indicating the arrival of Vibhishana

  2. 1. Friendship between Sri.Rama and Sugreeva
    Valmiki Ramayana - Kishkindha Kanda in Prose Sarga 5
    Hanuman fetches Rama and Lakshmana to Sugreeva, and advises him to befriend Rama. Accordingly Rama and Sugreeva take the oath of friendship before an altar of fire and Rama assures to eliminate Vaali the vice, from the face of earth.
    "A friend is the resultant factor of helpfulness... that I know... oh, great monkey I intend eliminate that Vaali, the abductor of your wife... unfailing are these arrows of mine, scorchers like sun, sharp ones tied with eagle feathers, similar to Indra's Thunderbolts, sharp are their point and straight is their egress, similar to enraged snakes, and these arrows of mine will be speeded up to fall on that vicious Vaali... Says Sri.Rama
    The friendship between Sri.Rama and Sugreeva is like the hands of a person whose garment has loosened automatically proceeds to tighten it up even before the person realizes it, a true friend is one who rushes to help his friend when needed even without being asked for.
    Sugreeva regarded Sri.Rama as such a true friend and sought his friendship with fire as witness saying” I am scared to death by Vaali. Please grant me protection”
    Vaalina: me Maha bhaaga! Bhagyarata abhayam kuru”
    Here we find Sahaya Bhakthi in Sugreeva
    2. Friendship between Sri.Rama and Hanuman
    Sri Rama exemplifies the highest virtue of friendship with Hanuman. His first meeting with Hanuman at the Rishyamuka Mountains was with profound respect and regard. Having discovered Rama after his life long search, Hanuman supplicated and bowed to Rama's feet seeking forgiveness for not recognizing the Lord, upon which Sri Rama embraced him. It was the birth of a most trusted friendship. It would be none other than Hanuman who would communicate between Rama and Sita bringing solace to both of them in their hour of separation.
    3. Friendship between Sri.Rama and Guha
    Guha was no ordinary mortal. He was the Chieftain of the tribe of the Nishadas. A man of great prestige and power. By no means an ordinary hunter. When Guha heard that Sri Rama was in his Kingdom, he leapt with joy and rushed towards Sri Rama to greet him. But when Sri Rama and Lakshmana rose to greet him, he became calm and peaceful and hesitated even to speak to his guests.

    Sri. Rama, perceiving Guha's hesitation, hugged him to his bosom and holding him at arms length introduced him to Lakshmana. “Do you remember him, Lakshmana? He is my dearest friend Guha, the King of Sarayu". Never did Sri.Rama mention that Guha was a hunter, much below their status, even to get acquainted.
    4 Friendships between Sri.Rama and Vibeeshana
    The Vasishta Ramayana relates that Sri Rama appeared to Sage Viswambara on the banks of as the Vaigai river. The sage was performing penance to get a vision of Sri Rama. In his vision, Rama and Lakshmana are seen with their bows and in a standing posture and talking to Sugriva, Angada and Hanuman. The vision depicts the act of Rama granting protection to Vibhishana, brother of Ravana. Rama tells his monkey-king friend Sugriva that he was granting protection to Vibishana as well as extending his friendship to the Lanka prince. In the vision, Sugriva is seen with folded hands praying to Rama to reconsider his decision, reminding that Vibishana was Rama was accepting "the deadly enemy's brother" as a friend. Hanuman is seen with his right hand covering his mouth, in a stance of paying respect to Sri Rama. The monkey-prince Angada is seen pointing his finger towards the southern sky indicating the arrival of Vibhishana

  3. Seen late. only now! :) Thank you Mulavana Chettaaa.
