Friday, 6 March 2015

Silence, our signature

A voice to the priest community.....
From the west....
American Poetress Mrs Caroline Cecile introduces me....

Silence, our signature
               -Remake by   Mrs.Caroline Cecile 

People from the East
and people from the West,
please come gather here
just a while, will you take that step?

I wish to know about you
about your tradition and aspirations
what is true to you, and what is false.
Allow me to begin with my own,

If you didn't know, I am from India
and have been writing for decades.
I wrote in my own mother tongue
Not English, to me too foreign a way.

While most of the public's stand here
is to hide, or sidestep the truth,
I remained steadfast toward my creed
with the attitude of finding what is true.

I wrote for a long time without exposing,
in fact, before my Lord, my Mentor, I produced
writes in secret, to his pleasing, my aiming.
Feeling His approval allowed me to continue.

So I kept at it with regular practice
until I felt ready to send it out by publishing;
found neither ears, nor approval for this novelist.
I was thrown out of the field, yet not defeated.

I was a priest, practicing rituals and manthras
taught by my parents, grandparents and a learned teacher.
It is a well disciplined standard, of a class that teaches silence,
so my people believe they have no right to speak.

As a result, the traditional people choose to leave
the field, and seek other jobs, other means.
Because of this tradition, I am not talkative
but I am determined not to leave this field.

Then I find myself taking English lessons
from kind writers from different regions of the world,
well versed in English, paying attention
to my writes, and I am empowered by their commitment.

Traditional priest I am, friends,
and silence is our signature.

For me,
Caroline Cecile